The New Seattle Intelligencer (NSI) was a small project carried on between late 2004 and early 2005 on Dumpshock Forums. The authors were writing each month fake press articles for a 2063 Seattle news magazine. Four issues got out - january 2063 / february 2063 / march 2063 / april 2063 - before motivation dried out. As some authors also worked on official Shadowrun books, some news items were preview of those featured in State of the Art:2064.

In the meantime, I worked on how I could present NSI as a news website instead of a forum thread. It can still be viewed at URL In the long run, I wanted to include every articles, as well as advertising, and even a very ambitious project (for which no satisfying technical option clearly made the cut) to allow a GM to insert articles related to his ongoing game among the other NSI articles, for his own use (so as to prevent one GM plot to blow Boston with a nuclear weapon to distract another party from a gang war in Bellevue). Maybe someday...